How Healthy Are Your Trees?

Arrange for our tree care services in Newington, West Hartford, Farmington or Hartford, CT to find out

It's easy enough to tell when your trees need trimming or pruning, but how do you know if they need other care? You can get them checked out by professionals. Natural Choice Lawn & Tree Care, LLC can inspect small trees or shrubs anywhere in Newington, Farmington, Avon & Hartford, CT. We'll let you know whether they can use a little extra TLC.

If so, you can depend on us for a variety of shrub or small tree care services, including:

  • Deep root fertilization services
  • Insect disease and mite control services
  • Winter protection services
  • Tree pruning services
  • Shrub pruning services

We've been keeping foliage healthy for more than 30 years, so you can count on us to take care of your trees or shrubs. Call us today to get free estimates on anything from tree inspection to shrub pruning services.

Protect your trees and shrubs

Protect your trees and shrubs

Your plants might be strong, but they're still vulnerable to insects, mites, diseases and even deer bites. Fortunately, our tree care services include insect control, mite suppression, disease suppression and deer control services. Hire our team right away to protect your foliage from damage.