Enjoy Beautiful Green Grass Without Harmful Pesticides

Rely on our lawn care experts in Newington, West Hartford, Farmington & Hartford, CT

A verdant lawn is a benefit to any property, but you don't want to have a gorgeous lawn at the expense of the environment. Natural Choice Lawn & Tree Care, LLC provides safer solutions for lawn care in Newington, West Hartford, Farmington & Hartford, CT. We know how to help your lawn flourish without using harsh chemicals and pesticides.

Email us now if you want to hire a lawn care pro with over 30 years of experience.

Using healthy options to enhance your lawn

Using healthy options to enhance your lawn

You want your lawn to look amazing, but no one wants to use dangerous pesticides to do it. Thankfully, you can count on our lawn care and pest control pros. We can:

  • Protect your grass from diseases using mushroom-based chemistry
  • Keep insects away with cedar oil or chrysanthemum-based solutions
  • Mix in amino-biocatalysts, earthworm castings, compost and other organic materials to boost growth

Even our grub protection solutions are certified by the EPA as reduced-risk options. With this careful approach to pest control, your lawn will flourish without harming the environment unnecessarily. Email us today for more information on our pest control solutions.